Aussies Show How They Deal With ‘No Shoes, No...
- Any excuse to take the dogs out!
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Dude Shows His Mom His Tattoo Right Before He Leaves...
- If she doesn’t like it, too bad!
Jamaican Daggering Is the World’s Most Suggestive...
- It’s not so much a “suggestion” as it is a...
This Man Is Trying to Give Himself the World’s Most...
- And he’s a homeowner!
Man Explains How He Got Divorced Over ‘Yu-Gi-Oh’
- Let the man play Yu-Gi-Oh!
Field Goal Bonks Ref on the Head
- That’ll be 3 points (off his IQ).
Cops Arrest Thieves Casually Walking Out with Cash...
- You guys…didn’t really think this one out, did you?
Dude on Motorcycle Just Misses Being Hit By Train
- For the last time, you’re not going to beat the...
Woman Casually Carries Angry Lion Down the Street
- She’s braver than most.
22 Muscle Cars That Roared Out of Detroit During Its...
- It's really not that hard to throw a big V8 and a...
35 Photos of What Renaissance Faires Looked Like in...
- 70's fashion is fun on its own, but seeing a...
12 Magical Movie Moments That Were Total Mistakes
- Despite all of the meticulous preparation that goes...
Person Really Tries and Really Fails to Park Without...
- Driving isn’t for everyone.
Man Doing Karaoke Gets Hit with a Shock
- I’ve heard about a hot mic before, but this is...
Dudes Set Off Massive Explosion and Set Their Friend...
- Just boys being boys.
Putting Them in the Fridge, Burying Them Underground:...
- Goodbye, fellas! See you next year!
Rabbit Keeps Trying to Hump Cat
- Dude, she’s not into you.
Dude on Power Scooter Destroys Store’s Entire...
- Now *that’s* making an unforgettable entrance!
Man Knocks Out Incredible Olympic Bars Routine on the...
- No gym needed!
Asshole Steps on Stingray, Gets Stung By Stingray
- This instant karma took a few seconds.
Church Drummer Gets Sign from God to Stop
- The message came down from on high that you suck.
Angry Dude Accidentally Kicks Elevator Door Into...
- Note: Don’t take your anger out on the elevator.
Dude’s Cyr Wheel Routine Is Impressive, But Weird
- Good work, I think.
China’s Live-Streaming Wig Salesmen Are Out of This...
- I’ll take the lot!
10 Cruel Medieval Medical Practices That Are Still in...
- We might think of modern medicine as clean and refined...
Grandpa Totally Unfazed by Nearby Explosion
- He lived through World War II — you expect him to...
Grandpa Totally Unfazed by Nearby Explosion
- He lived through World War II — you expect him to...
34 More Photos of What the World Looked Like in 1974
- From the golden age of motorcycles, to iconic concerts.
Watch Some Dudes Fish for Piranhas With Nothing More...
- Yeah, I think I’ll pass.
Woman Shows How to Spin on a Bar, and It’s...
- We can’t stop watching it.
Hunter Catches Bird with Bare Hands
- Who needs a gun?
Dude Being Chased by Cop Car Gets Away Using Super...
- Two can play at this game!
Kid Gets Into Elevator, Takes a Piss All Over the...
- Kids: you gotta love ‘em.
Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Fry a Turkey
- Every year, some people make the stupid mistake of...
Dude Reverses Into Gas Pump, Causes Small Explosion
- I need an extinguisher on pump five, please!
Tesla Hits Hill Too Fast, Goes Flying
- You gotta take these hills a bit slower, lad!
Parachuters Build Trampoline and Play Soccer in the Sky
- Watch out down below!
Man Puts Acetylene Balloon in Fire, Causing Massive...
- What did you think would happen?
Watch Elk Pee All Over Themselves to Celebrate Mating...
- Ladies, is this what you’re into?
1930s Man Tests Bulletproof Glass by Shooting His Wife...
- Thank God it worked, I guess.
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