Big Yikes: 19 Classic Movies That Did Not Age Well
- Some movies are timeless classics. The kind of movies...
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Tesla Coils Play Seven Nation Army, Game of Thrones...
- When you fucking hate your neighbors and don't have...
Star Seahawk Safety Can't Hide the Anger Toward His...
- Safety Earl Thomas begged and begged his team all...
Eminem Rips Donald Trump To Shreds In This BET Cypher
- I love hating on Donald Trump as much as the next...
10 Countries That Watch The Most Porn
- Which countries view the most porn per capita?
Designer Turns Coins Into Rings
- Nicholas Heckaman turns old coinage into wearable...
Meanwhile In Canada
- Enjoy some shenanigans from America's neighbour to the...
Basically Canadian History
- Celebrate Canada Day with a quick lesson about it's...
The All 'Merican Gallery
- Proud to be 'Merican!
Adolf Hitler In New Jersey
- Parents lose custody of their children due to racist...
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