Dad Spends All Day Making Chili, Spills It Immediately
- Hey, it’s just like that TV show!
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People Are Outraged That This Woman Made Chili For Her...
- This woman posted a thread on Twitter, detailing her...
15 Straight-Shootin’ Facts About Jesse James
- Jesse James became an outlaw legend. But like all...
Mexican Mom's Contempt For Rachel Ray's 'Pozole'...
- This Mexican mom was absolutely shook by the trash...
Dude Gets Caught Mid-Sentence Trash Talking His Wife's...
- Woody of PKA was explaining some of the problems with...
Vegan Daughter Forced to Cook Chili After Wasting Last...
- You wanna be a vegan? Cool. Just don't throw out and...
Guy Tries to Eat 50 Chili Dogs at Once in Wild Video
- Guy is Boiling Hot Dogs and Cooking Chili and Putting...
Guy Tries to Eat 50 Chili Dogs at Once in Wild Video
- Guy is Boiling Hot Dogs and Cooking Chili and Putting...
Dude Explains How He "Poisoned" a Coworker Who Was...
- A Reddit user tells a story of how he got revenge on a...
Video Shows Red Hot Chili Peppers Members Allegedly...
- This is from the ITV late-night show 'James Whale'. ...
10 Products for Those Who Love Self Induced Torture
- Spicy food items that will leave your taste buds...
Guy Thought He Ordered 'Red Hot Chili Peppers' Tickets...
- Two mates took a trip to see their favorite band, the...
Flashback to This Legend and His Cure for the Common...
- I enjoy a good bowl of chili. Much like the kid in...
Chubby Kid Does Cringeworthy Dance At Chili Cook Off
- Served chili, got served...
Two Chiliheads Eat the World's Strongest Chili Pepper,...
- The bearded guy is trying to keep it all in by...
Teabagged By Satan's Balls
- Two guys try to take on the hottest pepper in the...
Eating 1 Ghost Pepper? How About Eating 40?
- this women is gonna shit out charizard tomorrow...
Chili Can Be Served With Cheese
- Feels good man.
You Want a Chili Dog, Nerd?
- Drunk Guy picks a fight at a race...there's always one...
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