Scary Video Shows Inside of a School Bus as It Flips...
- This is scary stuff. Warning: video could be...
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Kid Refuses to Stop Playing His Video Game to Use the...
- Mafia 3 is not good enough to sh*t yourself over dude.
Local News Crew Following Amazon Truck Film It's Crash...
- A CBS News cameraman was behind an Amazon Prime...
Skier Has a Close Call With a TV Drone as it Falls...
- During his 2nd Alpine course run, professional skiier...
Great White Shark Kills Itself While Attacking Cage...
- WARNING: Disturbing imagery. A sad day for the shark...
Kid With Brass B***s Kicks Car That Struck His Mother
- A mother and son were knocked over by a car at a...
Elon Musk Clumsily Hits a Pylon While Taking His...
- Maybe there's a few more kinks to work out. Tesla...
Car Flies off Overpass in India, Killing One...
- Considering how many people were in the area of the...
RV Parked On Train Tracks Gets Struck By Commuter Train
- Dramatic new video from an eyewitness shows the moment...
Idiot Driver Causes Serious Accident Because They...
- Moron comes to a screeching halt in the middle of the...
Woman Fleeing The Scene of a Car Crash Immediately...
- An Austrian woman gets into a car crash after trying...
Frantic Woman Tries to Escape Scene of Her Hit-And-Run
- This whole video is a textbook case of "How to Make a...
Cyclist Almost Gets Killed By Semi Driver Who Couldn't...
- A truck driver pulls out but cannot see the man on the...
People Flee for Their Lives as New Orleans Hard Rock...
- A massive collapse at the Hard Rock Hotel construction...
The Laws of Physics Give a Road-Raging Biker a Taste...
- Physics can be such a heartless b*tch sometimes.
Funny Poop Memes Just for Sh*ts and Giggles
- Hey we all do it so get down off your high horse and...
Internet Fooled By Viral, Live-Streamed Car "Accident"...
- A viral clip of a young girl who appears to crash her...
Truck Driver Hits a Telephone Pole Causing it to Snap...
- Watch as this truck driver gets too close and breaks...
20 Strangers Rush To Flip Overturned SUV And Save Its...
- Not one of them was deterred by the very real danger...
Woman Who Declined Slingshot Ride Watches in Disbelief...
- A Florida woman and her friend decided to skip the...
A Plane Carrying Dale Earnhardt Jr. and Family Crashed...
- We almost lost another Earnhardt today.
Rich Douche Gets His Sailboat Caught Under Bridge
- Captain of the Failboat got his long pole stuck,...
Video Shows Danny Trejo Running To The Scene Of A...
- Actor Danny Trejo saves 5-year-old child with help...
Rogue Truck Tire Absolutely Destroys An Oncoming...
- That's gonna be one hell of an insurance claim.
Oblivious Woman Exits A Bus While It's Still In Motion
- Woman steps off of a bus while looking at her phone...
ATV Rider Hits Bump On Bridge Gets Thrown Into Rapids...
- Dude on 4 wheeler hits a bump too fast and gets thrown...
Guy Being a Jackass Crashes a Rental Lamborghini
- Well that's one way to not get your deposit back
21-Year-Old SF Woman Arrested For Manslaughter After...
- Kelsey Cambridge ran a red-light and struck two...
Hit and Run Driver Does Some On-the-Fly Body Repair...
- After fleeing an accident this guy stops to repair his...
Cyclist Wails After Barreling through a Stop Sign and...
- Dude on a bicycle screams down a hill into an...
Theme Park Pendulum Ride Snaps in Midair
- The horrifying moment when an amusement park ride...
Cop Causes Major Accident, Arrests Other Driver To...
- According to Fox News, the other driver was eventually...
Rubbernecking Driver Causes Accident at the Scene of...
- Amazingly no one was seriously injured.
Oblivious Teen Gets Smacked By Oncoming Tram
- A teenager who was not paying attention gets a painful...
Illegally Parked Car Gets a Dose of Instant Karma When...
- Skater is surprised when he lands on a car after...
Truck Driver Teaches A Masterclass In How Not To Tow A...
- First time pulling a trailer there buddy?
Mistakes Made as Snake Accidentally Eats Itself
- It's not every day you see a snake mistakenly devour...
A Timelapse of the Chernobyl Dome Being Put Into Place
- The completion of an international project to...
Dude With a Gun Ain't as Tough as He Thinks
- Just wait for it. Dancing around with a loaded gun in...
Man Walks From Insane Accident That Should Have Killed...
- After a Semi Trailer sliced this man's truck in half,...
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