23 Bizarre Things That Are Actually Illegal
- Think you've never committed a crime? Think again.
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24 Awful Rules That People Admit to Breaking Regularly
- Some of these rules are actually very good, but that...
'Owning 7 Dildos in Texas' and 24 Other Victimless...
- Some states and countries have the most ridiculous...
Way to Go, Steve: 22 Laws That Only Exist Because of...
- Check out this batch of particularly obscure and...
25 Crazy Laws That Really Do Exist
- Crazy laws and rules you might not have known were...
25 Rules and Universal Truths Real Men Live By
- The important things you have to do to be a real man
28 Things That Are Moral But Illegal
- Situations that gave people a moral dilemma.
We Live in a Society: 30 Unwritten Rules Everyone...
- Some principles to make the world a better place
30 Great Examples of When Stupid Rules Backfired in...
- These rules are made to be broken
32 Random Things That Feel Like They Should Be Illegal
- Rules and laws that cause confusion.
20 Bizarre Things That Are Illegal But Not Ethically...
- Law is mostly for the good of the general people. But...
25 Stupid Laws That Shouldn't Exist
- Laws keep us safe from criminals and give us a sense...
20 of the Absolute Weirdest Laws in Different States
- A collection of some odd, unusual, bizarre, and...
22 Weird and Random Laws From Around the World
- Who knew sandcastles were illegal?
15 Totally Legal Things That Still Feel Wrong
- They only feel like breaking the law.
Employee's Revenge Story Is a Reminder to Always Know...
- Remember - knowledge is power!
Unjustly Fired Employee Dismantles the Entire Business...
- If you own a business, make it a point to know and...
Worker Outsmarts Corporate Attorneys With a Little...
- Never underestimate the power of one very determined...
Cops Share The Time They Enforced The Dumbest Laws...
- This askreddit thread about police officers enforcing...
23 Marriage Laws That Make Zero Sense
- There are some weird and WTF laws out there regarding...
24 Odd Laws You Probably Didn't Know You Were Breaking
- Buckle up buddy, your ass is going to jail!
10 Strange Laws And Customs From Around The World
- Who would have thought that saving someone's life...
28 of The Most Ridiculous Laws In America
- It's all fun and games until you get arrested.
10 Ridiculous Laws You've Probably Broken
- Well you're all officially criminals, congratulations.
39 Ridiculous Laws of Video Game Logic
- Video games and logic don't necessarily go together.
9 Frightening Laws That Were Once Passed in The U.S.
- Every war was fought with good intentions, and every...
10 Movie Laws That Are Completely Wrong
- Hollywood stretching the truth on how some things...
9 Laws You Didn't Know Could Get You Arrested
- Citizens may be oblivious to these laws.
15 Bizarre Sex Laws That Exist In America
- The weirdest part is that all of this stuff had to...
24 Strange Law-Related Facts
- Odd and interesting things you may not have known.
21 Bizarre U.S. State Laws
- These laws are still on the books today!
23 Bizarre U.S. State Laws
- Odd laws that are still on the books today.
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